Kate Dunn   Online Counselling and Supervision

Online Counselling. online counselling

Why choose online counselling?

COVID-19 led to a enormous increase in the need and demand for online therapy, as social distancing regulations meant that this became the only way of maintaining both ongoing and new therapeutic connections. Following the pandemic, both practitioners and clients recognized that they could make choices about ways of meeting - either in person in the room together or online, or perhaps using a combination of different approaches. It can be very important to think carefully about what is best for you and to take time to make careful decisions about this, whether you are a practitioner or a client. If you are unsure about working online, I am happy to discuss this further with you before you decide what to do.

My background in online counselling and psychotherapy

I first explored the idea of working as a counsellor online in 2006, when asked to set up an online service for students. I researched the idea very carefully, finding out as much as I could about the experiences of both online therapists and clients before taking things further. I then completed an online training, joining a growing network of other professionals also developing work in this area. We are committed to the provision of ethical, professional and secure online services and the implementation of effective practice guidelines and standards.

I established my original service and began offering online therapy, initially through a pilot scheme which then became a permanent provision within he tstudent services. I discovered that not only could online therapy provide very rich and meaningful therapeutic experiences for a wide range of people, but it could also open doors to therapy for those who might otherwise be unable to engage with help of this kind.


Reasons for choosing online approaches

Here are some of the reasons people give for choosing online counselling:

  • I have to travel around a lot in the course of my work (sometimes abroad) and cannot commit to regular face-to-face appointments
  • It is hard to coordinate my busy schedule with that of my counsellor
  • Physical constraints prevent me from being able to get to my counsellor's consulting rooms
  • I feel embarrassed about talking to someone in person about my difficulties; I am much less uncomfortable when meeting my counsellor online
  • I prefer not to be 'seen' by my therapist
  • The relationship online feels more 'equal' and I feel less concerned that I am being judged
  • I feel more in control of what I do or don't say
  • I can 'try it out' online first, and perhaps decide to engage in face-to-face counselling at a later date
  • There is more 'time to think' when my counselling can be done by email (or 'asynchronously')and when the emails can be composed carefully and revised before I send them
  • Text-based counselling enables me to keep a complete record of all that happens in counselling

How does it work?

Modern technology means that we can communicate through the use of a secure video and/or audio link, using a platform such as Zoom (some video-conferencing platforms are more suitable for the provision of therapy than others). I offer advice to therapists working in this way to help recreate the security and confidentiality that clients would expect from seeing a therapist in person. A variety of platforms can be used on a PC, Apple computer, smartphone or tablet, so offering the opportunity to work securely at a distance.

Alternatively, it is possible to engage in online therapy using text, either ‘live’ (using an Instant Messenger - IM - program) or by email, which some people prefer as it helps them to feel more contained and protected and offers them ‘time to think’. Whatever medium you choose, sessions are always arranged in advance and by appointment, just as they are when therapist and client meet in a room together.

Find out more about online counselling

After a couple of years' experience of delivering counselling online, I undertook more formal research into the impact of this approach, inviting clients and other online counsellors to participate in an academic study exploring the nature of the online relationship. This research has subsequently been published in journal articles and described in book chapters (see my publications list).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, online counselling and hybrid approaches became the 'norm' (as opposed to being thought of as an unusual way of engaging in counselling) and this has had a considerable impact on both clients and practitioners. My most recent publication explores in more detail some of the questions and potential pitfalls that may arise in online settings (as well as the perceived advantages) and highlights the need for sensitive, informed assessment processes and service delivery when moving to this setting. See Person-Centred and Experiential Therapies 2021 Vol 20 Issue 4

I keep in close contact with professional colleagues who also work online and I regularly make presentations to organizations, groups and at conferences.

In recent years I have worked closely with BACP to provide guidance for colleagues who are considering taking some of their work online in order to promote safe and ethical practice at all levels and across a wide range of settings.


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