Kate Dunn   Online Counselling and Supervision

Resources. booklet cover

A book of meditation, poetry and stories

During the first months of the pandemic, many of us spent an hour together each Wednesday evening, through the generosity of onlinevents, reflecting on the many challenges we face as we find ways to continue working effectively as therapists through ever-changing situations and circumstances. Self-care for therapists is always important; perhaps never more so than now.

As therapists, we recognize the importance of beginnings and endings. I opened each event with a meditation and closed it with a poem or story. A number of those attending asked whether it might be possible to compile these into a booklet.

Resources. Meditation booklet

Supporting a very valuable cause

The result is available and can be downloaded here, by clicking on the pdf icon. In return for receiving this booklet, I hope you may feel able to consider making a small donation to a charity that is very dear to my heart: Theodora Children's Charity. This charity trains and supports a wonderful team of 'Giggle Doctors' who go into hospitals and other settings to bring lightness and joy into the lives of children and their families as they face significant challenges and difficulties. You can find out more about the charity here: Theodora Children's Charity

To make a donation, follow this link: Theodora Children's Charity donation (Just Giving)

Thank you so much - your donation can and will make such a difference!

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